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Our Product


Ladies, have you ever been stuck outside your home, searching for your keys? OR you must have experienced not finding your hairbrush just when you had to look perfect. Such and many other situations have often left us ladies whiling away our precious time.

Worry no more! Let us help you! We present to you your newest pal, your soon to become bestie, what call you! BAGPALZ!

What is BAGPALZ, you ask?

  • Bagpalz, is a unique product, designed especially by identifying your specific daily needs
  • It is a small spongy-thingy that has precise compartments, to fit in all your necessities, right there. Just waiting for you to pick.
  • And guess what? It fits in any bag! Different bags? One solution!
  • Just take it out from one bag and put it in another.

Often we find ourselves sifting through our bags, over and over again, just because we cannot find the thing we are looking for. May it be keys, lipstick, a pen etc. we noticed this distress and came up with the simplistic yet time saving and hassle-free product. Its simplicity is such that you won’t even think twice before buying it.

In a nutshell, BAGPALZ is THE product we all have been waiting for. An ingenious, creative product to help you organize your handbag. We have identified the most common products found in a present day woman’s handbag and accordingly designed is our product, BAGPALZ.

It’s a product by women, for women! Something that has been created, by especially taking YOUR needs into consideration and with the thought of making things simpler for you.



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